Friday, 17 January 2014

Add insult to injury

Once I was in a trip with some friends and we were talking about many embarrassing anecdotes that have happened to us some years ago and this developed in how grandmothers talk in Spain (because people who live or used to live in the village use different vocabulary) that nowadays for young people is so funny.

After half an hour talking about the same topic, I noticed that one of my friends was so excited talking about her grandmother and making jokes about her, so people was laughing so much. The problem became when she started being so quiet, but our friends still kept on making jokes about her grandmother until she stopped talking and she said: “my grandmother died last month”.

 You cannot imagine our faces.After all of that we were in silence for a while until she told us that she was making jokes because everybody was having fun but it started getting worst when people don’t have respect.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was in there, and ok, it was serious in the end but at first so funny.

  2. Don't worry, it seems it was mostly her fault, wasn't it? How could anyone have known?
