Once in a blue moon
This is connected with my Erasmus in Poland.
Who have ever imagined that I was going to spend
a year in Poland?, nobody, at least from Spain.Because some people don’t even know where is Poland
on the European map.
This is the ignorance
of young people nowadays.
I still remember when
we decided to come here. I was with my best
friend in the library studying for the final exams, it was a rainy day without anythingspecial to do and even a good mood to study.We looked at each
other and we started looking at the Erasmus destinations.Thinking about the
economy, the language, the comments people have posted on the wall, we clicked
onPoland and really, I don’t know why but we choose it.And now I can say
that I am so happy, I am learning so many things, I am meeting so many
people andthis culture is fantastic.
So don’t think twice
and come to Poland!
I'm happy to see that you enjoy your stay so much. And I hope it gets even better once spring begins :)